Facebook alias Fb... An application which makes ur private and confidential and secretive things public or precisely expose you to the outside unknown world with/without ur wish.
What has technology done to us... earlier we used comment on each other personally.. but now.. we need internet to post a comment and people to like/comment on it.. We feel utmost happy when we see many thumbs up and comments.. I see people comment on their own comment and like it.. how silly of them... We used to share pics hard copies, soft copies, thru mails or CDs USB... but now... Facebook... Put it on.. Tag it.. Like it and comment ... A friend of mine had put a photo which had some monkeys which looked similar.. and people.. u wont believe... everyone tagged every others name on one or the other monkey.. Funny...
It was orkut then and Facebook now... It all started with orkut which gave us a unique way of expressing, getting in touch .. scrapping.. putting photos and videos... At office if proxy is blocked people are so desperate and are longing when would they get a new proxy..
Bina Facebook pe login kiye din pura nai hota...
I myself, jab bhi main gaon( home)- city however, jaata hun toh I put a comment " Going Hometown Miss u guys" and when i return i wud be so desperate to login to Fb to see anybody has commented on any of my posts/comments.. and first thing i do is " I am Back " how foolish of me.
Now whenever we get a photo clicked , we dont mind how we look and what we are wearing , but the first thing we think of is, i need to update my facebook profile pic, comments, likes ... have we lost those memories of keeping a hard copy always infront of us..at desk.. at home.. of our near and dear ones, which will remind us of the sweet moments shared with them... and now keep tagging and commenting...
Communication has its own adv and disadv.. and this is it.. technically awesome and emotionally awful... we used to send big mails, with pictures and designs and even flash.. now just a wall post away is our concern to our dear ones..
to be continued....